Artist Statement

My work is about filling our dwelling space with texture, form, and pattern bringing ease to existence. Reflecting and collecting the chaos that swims around in the world around us into a refined and beautifully defined containment of space. Freeing up the space surrounding my work for simplicity and purity, the pieces become a resting place for the mind to explore the feelings of boldness, strength, and consistency.

What do I want to say with my work? That it's okay to just be. Escaping from the chaos of life, from thoughts of the past and worries of the future. Making order out of disarray. Quality and consistency bring balance and harmony within one's mind as well as a sense of rest and safety. All these qualities we think we need actually already dwell within us. It's about recognizing their presence.

I work in stoneware for its suppleness, durability, and strength. Stoneware’s willingness to be transformed in form, size, and texture, makes it a perfect medium for exploring the iconic meaning of transformation and the concept of gratitude.